About Madison Limousine


On this page, we'd love to share with you some key facts and figures about Madison Limousine's limo rental business, just to give you more of an insider's glimpse into what we put into our business to make it what it is. Where other local companies put the bottom line above all else, we put your good time and safety first. We won't have a loyal base of customers keeping us going if we don't keep our commitment to quality, and that's why we maintain our vehicles endlessly to keep them as "like new" as possible. That's why we hire only truly expert chauffeurs to get you where you need to go. And that's why we feature only a suite of Escalades and Town Cars, because we at Madison Limousine believe they represent the absolute top of the line when it comes to limousine travel and comfort.

Madison Limousine insurance policies give you the highest coverage possible, up to $5 million dollars. Our permits are kept current, and our licenses are too. Our customers frequently comment on our extensive level of protection, and we're very proud of that fact. Beyond financial protection, you know that you're also physically protected on the road, because you're behind the strength of steel and expert engineering in the finest quality Escalades and Town Car limos. Even your driver is of the highest quality, being a professional chauffeur rather than just an ordinary certified driver like other local companies.

If you'd like to get an in-person, hands-on look at what our business is all about, we'd like to personally invite you to come to our place of business and take a look for yourself! You can come into our offices and chat with our staff, and you can head out to the lot to look at our vehicles in person. Swing open the door, sit on the plush leather seats, listen to the music, and even pop in a DVD and see how high quality our HDTVs are. There won't be any drinks in the bar until you stock it for your party, but you can take a look at the beautiful bar lighting and the functional cooler, cup dispensers, and other features. We think you'll be very happy with everything that you see, and then you'll know which vehicle you'd like to choose. There's nothing else quite like the personal tour.

If you'd like to speak to us, or perhaps to take a look at our documentation regarding insurance and other policies, you can get in touch with us 24 hours a day by telephone at 608-467-4050 or by email at info@madisonlimousine.com. Let's do business soon!